Študentski projekt univerzitetnega

študijskega programa 2. in 3. letnika R-IT







2010/2011, 2011/12








Kontakt: dr. Aleš Zamuda, koordinator projekta


-- demonstracijski video --

Ogled videa v zunanjem predvajalniku

Prispevek z intervjujem o projektu na RTV Slovenija, 23. februar 2012 (pri 13:40)

Več o igrah:
IEEE - the Institute on: Making the Jump Into Games

Games, and especially video games, are now a major part of the finance and software industries, and an important field for cultural expression. They also provide an excellent testbed for and application of a wide range of computational intelligence methods including evolutionary computation, neural networks, fuzzy systems, swarm intelligence, and temporal difference learning. There has been a rapid growth in research in this area over the last few years.
(EvoGames 2011 CfP)

Tehnična pomoč: Damjan Casar

(C) dr. Aleš Zamuda